Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How Cool is School When It's on SchoolTube.com!

"SchoolTube provides students and educators a safe, world class, and FREE media sharing website that is nationally endorsed by premier education associations." Please visit: www.schooltube.com.

SchoolTube is the recognized leader for "moderated, Internet media sharing for teachers and students." All materials featured on SchoolTube are approved by registered teachers, follow local school guidelines, and they adhere to SchoolTube's high standards.

Here is video coverage from a TV station in Buffalo, NY that shows how Amherst Middle School provides their morning school news. http://mailer.schooltube.com/link.php?M=281572&N=44&L=55&F=T

Other schools can do the same with their weekly school highlights. For more information on how a school can start producing their own school morning news,watch Rob Zdrojewski, Broadcast Teacher at Amherst Middle School, show how any school can provide their school morning news or produce a weekly update video showing highlights and upcoming events. http://mailer.schooltube.com/link.php?M=281572&N=44&L=84&F=T

SchoolTube.com is recommended by the National Association of Elementary School Principals and many other well-respected national education associations. These student produced videos you have viewed here are just a sample of how expanding technology in the classroom expands the experiences and horizons for our students.

Parentcrew has committed to raising funds for Technology for The Anthony School with our 2009 Annual Spring Fundraiser. We are seeing through a plan that would place SmartBoards (interactive learning boards) in more of our classrooms (visit http://smarttech.com/) and create an ongoing annual fund for technology upgrades and purchases.

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