Saturday, August 22, 2009

Help Anthony Make Money and Do Our Part to Save Reduce Landfill Waste

I am glad to announce that the Anthony School will be part of the TerraCycle Drink Pouch Brigade. As an eco-friendly innovator, TerraCycle converts the used drink pouches into unique fashion bags, tote bags, pencil cases, and other items for kids and adults! TerraCycle has teamed up with the largest producer of drink pouches in the country, Capri Sun, and a young organic entry into the market, Honest Kids, to help address this problem! Every year BILLIONS of drink pouches end up in dumpsters and landfills across America. TerraCycle, Capri Sun and Honest Kids are working together to put an end to this awful loss of resources.

For each Capri Sun and Honest Kids drink pouch we recycle with them we earn $.02. What an easy way to generate revenue for our school and put something we use everyday to good us instead of adding to landfill waste. Start collecting your pouches at home and keep your eye out from when and where the collection boxes will be placed at the school.

Keep your eyes open for more information and tips on how Anthony School and contribute to making your space on Earth a little nicer. Together with your help we CAN make a difference!


Penny said...

Does anyone know where we can drop off these pouches?

ParentcrewPres said...

They are working on decorating drop off containers for the pouches. In the mean time you can leave them with your homeroom teacher and a Green Committee member will pick them up. Thank you for participating!